World Relief Ambassadors
Build a foundation to help you represent World Relief with clarity and compassion.
The World Relief Ambassadors bundle is designed to help you become a knowledgeable and effective representative of World Relief. As you begin to engage with your community on behalf of World Relief, these courses will equip you to communicate with clarity, compassion, and purpose.
Explore World Relief and our work around the world & in your local community. Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes.
Build a foundation to help you represent World Relief with clarity and compassion. Learn our mission, communication principles, and ethical storytelling to center potential partners and share your story effectively. Time to complete: 25 mins.
Discover how the courses in this bundle work together to set you up for success in representing World Relief.
Complete Get to Know World Relief to delve into the history, mission, vision and distinctives of World Relief's work in the U.S. and around the world.
Take World Relief Ambassadors course to develop a foundation of best practices for communicating about World Relief in any context.
Get local guidance on ambassador opportunities related to Good Neighbor Teams, advocacy, social media or connecting with churches.