Journey with us!

Get to know World Relief in this 30-minute interactive tour! 

Get a glimpse of our unique history partnering with the church to engage the world's greatest crises. Gain insight into the work we do around the world and in the U.S., and explore how we can partner together.

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Course curriculum

    1. Course Tour Guide

    2. Meet Your Course Host

    3. What Brings You Here?

    1. Welcome to World Relief

    2. Our Origin Story

    3. Who We Are

    4. What Makes Us Distinct

    5. Key Takeaways

    1. Welcome to International Programs

    2. Our International Work

    3. International Programs Map

    4. What Makes Our International Work Distinct

    5. Key Takeaways

    1. Welcome to U.S. Programs

    2. Our Work in the U.S.

    3. U.S. Programs Map

    4. What Makes Our Work Here Distinct?

    5. Key Takeaways

    1. An Invitation

    2. Partner with World Relief

    3. Download your Workbook

    4. Course Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons