Course Preview

    1. Welcome to Your Course with The Workshop!

    2. Welcome to the Course

    3. Introduction to the Course

    4. Understanding your role

    1. Chapter Overview

    2. Intro: Strengths and Challenges

    3. The Golden Rule of EL Success

    4. The Golden Rule of EL Success: In Practice

    5. Academic Challenges

    6. Reframing Academic Deficits - Practice

    7. Family Challenges

    8. Social Challenges

    9. Social Challenges - Intro to Case Studies

    10. Social Challenges - Case Study #1

    11. Case Study #1 - Reflection Questions

    12. Social Challenges - Case Study #2

    13. Case Study #2 - Reflection Questions

    14. Case Study Take-Aways

    1. Chapter Overview

    2. Safety for In-Person Activities

    3. Safety in a Virtual Setting

    4. Mandatory Reporting

    1. Chapter Overview

    2. Relationship Tips

    3. Building Relationships Case Study

    4. Case Study Debrief

    5. Listening Best Practices

    6. Listening Best Practices Quiz

    1. Chapter Overview

    2. Tutoring: Tips

    3. Tutoring: Strategies

    4. Exploring Resources

    1. Chapter Overview

    2. The Value of Mentorship

    3. Iceberg Concept of Culture Quiz

    4. Mentorship Case Study

About this course

  • $59.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Video Preview
