Get equipped to guide your small group in exploring immigration from a biblical perspective.

Your Roadmap to Leading Welcoming the Stranger Small Groups

The Welcoming the Stranger Small Group study invites participants to journey into one of the most complex issues of our day - immigration. Group meetings can be full of incredible, challenging and often paradigm shifting conversations. That's why we created the Leader Training. In this course, we equip you to guide your group to examine immigration from a biblical perspective and move towards informed action as an expression of our Christian faith.

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Explore This Course

    1. Welcome to Your Course with The Workshop!

    2. Meet Your Course Host

    3. Introduction to the Course

    4. Welcome to Your Course Workbook

    5. Change That Lasts

    1. Welcome to Module 2

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Download your Leader Guide!

    4. Small Group Goals and Logistics

    5. Explore Your Leader Guide

    6. Let's Reflect

    1. Welcome to Module 3

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Prepare to Launch

    4. The First Session

    5. Let's Reflect

    1. Welcome to Module 4

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Best Practices for Facilitating a Group

    4. Navigating Challenges

    5. Navigating Challenges Scenario Quiz

    6. Let's Reflect

    1. Welcome to Module 5

    2. Final Reflection

    3. Next Steps

    4. Download your Workbook!

    5. Course Survey

    6. Great Job!

What's Included

  • Leader Guide

    A practical, week-by-week guide to facilitating your group is also included. Each week's guidance includes objectives, resources & materials, and step by step instructions to help you make the most of the group curriculum.

  • Group Curriculum

    Our 8-week curriculum includes a printable PDF of the Welcoming the Stranger Small Group Study Curriculum, videos, readings, discussion points, topics for prayer and activities for deeper engagement.

  • Discount Code

    Receive 50% off the Welcoming the Stranger Small Group course. This e-learning course is an essential companion to the group curriculum and guides participants to engage in deeper personal study between meetings.

Get Started Today

and help your group discover God's heart for the immigrant.