Discovering and Living God's Heart for immigrants

A guide to Welcoming the Stranger

This course was created to help a small group of people move towards action as an expression of their Christian faith. It is an experiential opportunity -- a chance to explore one of the most complex issues of our day from a biblical perspective and to live out the calling God has given his church. Each session of this guide is designed with five main components: Watch, Read, Discuss, Pray, Experience.

Video Preview

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Session A

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Watch

    4. Reflect

    5. Experience

    6. Pray

    1. Welcome to Session B

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Watch

    4. Reflect

    5. "Immigrating the Legal Way Scenario Quiz"

    6. Reflect

    7. Pray

    1. Welcome to Session C

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Watch

    4. Reflect

    5. Experience

    6. Pray

    1. Welcome to Session D

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Watch

    4. Reflect

    5. Experience

    6. Pray

    1. Welcome to Session E

    2. Prepare for Learning

    3. Watch

    4. Reflect

    5. Experience

    6. Pray

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

The Journey

We are so glad you are on this journey with us to explore Welcoming the Stranger: Thinking Biblically about Immigration. In referring to this course as a "journey," we recognize that everyone represents a different starting place. Whether you are new to exploring the topic of immigration from a Christian perspective, or it's a matter you've given much time and passion to, our hope is that this course offers you space to listen, reflect, and feel transformed. 

Throughout the course, you'll watch videos that give an introduction and Biblical basis to each topic, and then will be invited to respond via thoughtful reflection posts. We encourage you to offer honest and vulnerable reflections, take note of questions you have, and dig into the resources presented at the end of the course. 

Though this is a self-paced journey, it's helpful to picture yourself in a dialogue process, seeking God's heart as you wrestle with complex topics. We can't wait for you to get started!

Ready to discover God's heart for the immigrant?

Get started now