Course Preview

    1. Introduction to Module 2

    2. Workbook Reflection 2

    3. Refugee Health Journey

    4. Mental Health Concerns

    5. Youth and Mental Health

    6. Healthcare for Refugees and Immigrants

    7. Workbook Reflection 3

    1. Introduction to Module 3

    2. Meet a Health Advocate

    3. Workbook Reflection 4

    4. The Role of a Health Advocate (Resource Download)

    5. The Role of a Health Advocate

    6. Cultural Considerations

    7. Health Advocate Scenarios

    8. Workbook Reflection 5

    1. Introduction to Module 4

    2. Health Advocate Guide and Curriculum

    3. Community Resources

    4. Workbook Reflection 6

    1. Course Conclusion

    2. Final Reflection

    3. Workbook Download

    4. Course Survey

About this course

  • $59.00
  • 27 lessons

Everything you need to help a new friend meet their health needs in the U.S.

Health Advocates is designed for people like you who want to help newly arrived refugees and other immigrants navigate their health needs in the U.S. 

Gain insight into the refugee health journey, learning how migration and cultural transitions affect families’ health. Discover best practices for working with your new friend to achieve self-sufficiency and support their health needs as they get used to life in the U.S. Hear advice from Health Advocate volunteers, and explore resources to help you get started in this rewarding volunteer role
